


Verbraucherzentrale Hamburg

Women pay up to twice as much for gender-specific hygiene items as men. Even though some products have identical ingredients. In fact, some of them only differ in their packaging’s color – pink instead of blue. 

We invented a new moisturizer which – when being rotated by 180° – turns from a men’s to a women’s product and vice versa. The tube’s pink side addresses women, the blue one men. Although they share the same packaging, the price is different: in line with the average Pink Tax the women’s side is 40% more expensive. We promoted our product in a pop-up store, a web shop, with influencers and on social profiles – letting people experience the Pink Tax firsthand.

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Agency: Serviceplan Campaign International
Managing Partner: Markus Kremer, Thomas Heyen
Account Management: Mariah Kattmann

Copywriter: Niklas Scholz
Art Direction: Philipp Trübiger
Final Art Specialist: Nils-Christian Sperling

Production: Tempomedia
Director: Peter Haueis
Producer: Madeline Pfisterer